
Prospective members of Rotary should actively hold – or be retired from – a professional, proprietary, executive or managerial position. And they must have the desire and ability to serve and to meet the club’s attendance requirements for its weekly meetings (held at lunctime at the Buckatree hotel).

An important distinction between Rotary and other organisations is that membership in Rotary is by invitation. However this should not stop anyone who feels that they might like to become a Rotarian from indicating an interest, either by speaking to a Rotarian, or by getting in touch with a local Club – with no obligation on either side.

Each club aims to include a significant cross section of its community’s vocational life, and has the widest possible resources and expertise for its service programs and projects, as you will have seen on these pages.

The photograph on the right shows the President, Tom, welcoming Peter as a new member.

If you are interested, we really would like to hear from you. You can email us by clicking HERE.

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