The annual joint Church Service of the Rotary Club of Wellington and the Inner Wheel Club of Wellington took place on Sunday 4th October at the Union Free Church on Constitution Hill. members and guests were welcomed by President Peter Seaward of the Rotary Club and President Elect Jenny Bright of the Inner Wheel Club.
The Service was led by Vicky Longbone who is studying to become a Church Related Community Work Minister. She gave a challenging sermon which I hope to publish on the web site later this week so that all members will be able to see it.
Following the Service we moved on to the Wroxeter for an excellent Sunday Lunch.
President Peter Seaward marked the event by making a presentation of a Paul Harris Fellowship Sapphire Award to Maureen Farmer. Maureen received the award on behalf of her late husband Tom. This is the first time in its long history that the Rotary Club of Wellington has made a Sapphire Award.
Maureen wrote to the President to say, ‘I wanted to thank you for inviting me to the Rotary Church Service and a most enjoyable meal at Wroxeter yesterday. But most of all I wanted to say thank you to you, as President, and the Wellington Rotary Members for putting Tom forward to receive the Paul Harris Sapphire award. He would have been so proud and honoured to think that the Club considered him worthy of such an award, and I will be very proud to wear it on his behalf. Tom loved his years in Rotary and appreciated all the fellowship and friendship which he received, and he always did his best to live up to ‘Service before Self’. I am sure he will be willing the Rotary Club to go on from strength to strength.’