The club recently made contact with Rotarians in India and received this reply:
“On the ground, things are much worse than what is reported.
“There have been many tragic deaths in the past fortnight among friends and Rotarians and their families. Every morning we wake up to yet another tragedy. One of our Past Governors lost his 32 year son to Covid – the boy was diabetic. He was quite a star, national poker champion.
“What is worse is that people are not dying because of Covid, but because of lack of a hospital bed, lack of oxygen, lack of medicines. What is appalling is that there is a section that is making money amidst all this, hoarding and black-marketing medicines.
“My wife and I are holed up at home. We have had both our shots and should be safe. But we have heard of so many cases of Covid where people have been hospitalised despite the vaccination. Every morning I wake up to desperate calls requesting to network oxygen, beds, in some part of our Rotary district – have been successful in a few cases, failed in a few instances.
“Thank you so much for your concern. Please keep India in your prayers.
“What we need are Oxygen concentrators – but they are not available.
“I am sorry for this dismal picture, but the world is looking grey and bleak, as of now.
“I am happy that we have something to cheer for: UK and Israel and a few other countries are back on track and that gives us hope. We are just too many people in this country.”