Each year the he Rotary Club of Wellington invited teams from across the area to take part in their Charity Golf Day at a Shropshire Golf Club. Over the past few years the event has taken place at Lilleshall Hall.
During the last twenty two years, our Charity Golf day has raised over £43,000 for local charities. Each year a key charity is nominated and funds raised are shared between that charity and other Rotary charities.
Teams entering the event play for the Gerry Powell Memorial trophy. There will also be prizes for nearest the pin in 2, best points score and nearest the pin at designated holes.
In 2016 It was with umbrellas at the ready that the first team along with President Peter ventured onto the first tee. With warnings of impending water hazards and with Norman Quin leading the way the competition started in pouring rain. The rain failed to dampen the spirits as team by team the competitors took to the course and drove towards the first green. By the time the last team set out the skies had started to brighten and the rain had stopped leaving the greens slow and deceptive.
One by one the teams reached home and sought refuge in the bar before settling down to their well earned meal. Once the recording and counting of scores had been completed the results were announced. In First place and winner of the Gerry Powell Memorial Trophy was Oak Electric 2 with 81 points; second was Telford Reprographics [80 points] and third John Banks 2 [80 points]. A closely fought contest.