Supporting Wellington Cottage Care Trust

The Community Services Committee support the Wellington Cottage Care Trust by making a collection of goods for resale in their charity shop.

The trust operates a care centre in the former Wellington Cottage Hospital. The centre caters for persons who have serious medical problems and are unable to use normal day care centres and clubs for the elderly such as Belmont. It is open 5 days each week from 9.30 to 4.00 and employs two qualified nurses as well as other staff and volunteers. The facility includes various elements of care including bathing and showering persons unable to do this at home because of disability. An ambulance service is offered and attendance at the centre is usually on one or two days per week and is often the only time the benefiting persons are able to leave home. This facility also relieves the great stress on partners who are made housebound by their caring duties.

There are places for up to 45 persons and about two thirds are funded by Social Services with the remainder paying for their own attendance. The income from these sources covers the establishment, care and medical costs but does not meet the extra cost of providing a wide range of entertainment and activities; also improvements to the facilities in the premises need to be funded by fund raising. A significant source of funds is the trust’s charity shop in Crown St., Wellington.

After Christmas many of us have a clear out and items we no longer need are collected and taken to the Cottage Care Trust charity shop for sale. 


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