On 16th August the club with members of our Inner Wheel, partners and members from The Wrekin, and Telford Centre Clubs and visiting golf companions said a farewell to Don Woolford. David Sear thanked Don for his perseverance in creating and nursing Telford Centre Club into the strong force it is today.
Don himself reminisced about the conflict with the sadly departed Bob Redwood on the benefits of starters over puddings. Now resolved by alternating between the two and today was a starter day. Mike Heath, former member, rediscovered this cartoon of the time. The comment reads “Oh how Bob Redwood enjoyed his puds & Don did not this lead to a long running banter”
Norman Quin speaking on behalf of his golfing companions regretted Don’s departure as he felt his income would be reduced.
President Vic thanked Don for his service which was definitely above self and wished him well in his new home closer to his family in Bristol. Finally Vic presented a token of our appreciation which left Don for once lost for words.