Fortunately after a very wet Friday night it was dry in Wellington’s Market Square on Saturday 2nd June for Rotary Wellington’s Health Awareness Day.
The Transit vans from Furrows arrived, with lots of tables and chairs from High Ercall, and Norman brought his gazebo, which strenuously resisted being put up. The vans made good consulting rooms for taking blood pressures and blood sugar levels. Heights and weights were also measured, and advice given.
The day was launched with the visit of Wellington’s Deputy Mayor, Anthony Lowe, who was the first person to have his blood pressure checked. Over 140 people were seen during the day, making it a very worthwhile exercise with several people being referred to their GP for further investigation.
Organiser Rotarian Vic Young of the Rotary Club of Wellington said, ‘A very big ‘Thank you’ to all who helped in one way or other, making this annual event both possible and successful.”