On Wednesday 27th July 2016 e gathered in good time, but under grey skies, and embarked on our coach for the 50 minute drive to Heulwen quay, near Welshpool. Our crew consisted of 3 members of the Telford Macular Support Group, 2 from East Shropshire Talking Newspaper, 11 from Telford Visually Impaired group, 1 lady from Abbeyfield, and 7 Rotarians, including, as a last minute surprise, President John. And we mustn’t forget the two well-behaved guide dogs.
Our skippers, Alan and Robin, were waiting for us, and we cast off in a northerly direction, while we were fortified with cups of tea or coffee, and Val Scollard-Kerr’s delicious cakes. We passed a lifting bridge, before turning round in a winding hole, and heading back south into Welshpool, negotiating the lock to the Town Quay, with the crew taking much interest in how it all worked.
By now it was lunchtime, and our ‘Fish and Chips’ were delivered – once again disappearing with incredible speed. We went further south, before again turning round and retracing our course home. By now the weather was improving, it was warm, even sunny, and pleasant standing outside in the bow area, enjoying the countryside and gardens drifting by, with moor hens, dragon flies, and yellow water lilies among other sights.
All were delivered safely back to Wellington, after a good day out. Thank you, Wellington Rotary!