Wellington went to Stafford to play Cannock in the final.
The District snoker cup was presented to a surprised Rob by Alex Stepney on Thursday night. Match report:
John Banks and Rob got off to a winning start in a tough match. 52-32 . Chris and Keith played well, but lost by one. Dan and Mike came back from the death to pot, blue, pink and black to win by 12.
John, by far our best player then had 3/4 good breaks to put us in a unassailable lead. 3-1 but 90 up. Although the two pairs narrowly lost we won by 60 even though it was 3-3 .
We played very well, great team spirit and always doing enough to bring the cup back, again!!!!! Final of tenpin at Shrewsbury on March 21st. Will do our very very best as always. Your support is welcome.
Yours in Sport Rob