Over 200 Rotarians and guests attended the evening to hear our guest speakers Lee Sharpe and Tony Jo. Lee gave a potted history of his footballing career with many funny tales which were well received by the audience. He afterwards was pleased to talk to everyone, sign autographs and have his photograph taken. Lee was surprised by one of the guests who told him that he hD attended school with Lee’s mother. He was followed by comedian Tony Jo who has been to the club before. He, unbeknown to us had suffered bowel cancer. Our main charity, the Bikerstaff Endoscopy Unit deals with bowel cancer and so Tony mixed comedy with selling the value of being checked for bowel cancer. Tony auctioned three items, one of which he donated, which raised an additional £680.00 for the evening. That together with a donation of £250.00 from the stand-up bingo winner made the total raised £5,507.