Even as the teams from the four Rotary Clubs of Telford, Ironbridge, Telford Centre, Wellington and The Wrekin prepare for the presentation of The Queens Award for Voluntary Service, the work for the 2017 Telford Tree of Light Appeal continues.
The first labour intensive job of the campaign is to pack the application forms and reply envelopes ready for mailing. The application forms are addressed during printing but the reply envelopes need to have the return address label affixed before putting in the envelopes. Whilst the packing continues the filled envelopes are checked to ensure that the address is visible through the window, and bundled into batches of 50 ready for franking and posting. Eagle eyes seek out known names and addresses which can be hand delivered thus making a saving.
District Governor Carol [photograph on right] accompanied by DG Nominee Brian joined the Rotary Club of Wellington on their envelope ‘stuffing’ day as usual. She said, ‘I love helping, as you have to concentrate and therefore think of nothing else for a while’.
This year’s campaign is to be officially launched on Thursday 16th November at 4,30pm in Telford Shopping Centre when the lights will be switched on by Signal 107 Radio presenter Dicky Dodd