Wellington Rotary – Young “Hero” Winner – Sophie KnightFor the past few months, Wellington Rotary Club has been looking for nominations for local “Young Heroes” to encourage/recognise those youngsters who have been thinking about others instead of themselves over the past 18 months or so in respect of either the Covid pandemic or any other issue!
It’s a great pleasure to announce that our Junior Winner was a rather bashful Sophie Knight of Wellington, aged 11.
She was nominated for all the help she gives her Mum, who has to cope with a disability, and her Nan as well as writing “pen pal” letters to and corresponding with folk in a local Care Home.
She moved to secondary school in September and is worried that homework is restricting her time to continue to do the latter but, don’t worry Sophie, we’re sure that the cheer you’ve sent them has already brought smiles to their faces.
Keep up the good work Sophie, as best you can.
Sadly, we had no nominations for the Senior category (13 -17 years) and consequently have no winner. Perhaps they’re all too busy with their homework