President John supported by three members of the Club visited the BBC studios in Bristol on 9th November. An early start gave us time to arrive at the Rotary Club of Clifton for lunch, meeting their President John [Whitham] and hearing their speaker describe her year working with a children’s charity in Cambodia.
After a stroll on the Clifton Suspension Bridge we visited the BBC studios, learning about the BBC’s natural history unit, viewing the newsroom and exploring a radio studio. [What is the blue warning light used for?] The tour culminated in an opportunity to create a radio play [Don Woolford excelled with the sound effects.] and to read the news, sport and weather. President John managed to lose his body while learning about filming against a green background.
We later returned to the news studio to watch the broadcast of the evening edition of BBC Points West from the ‘gallery’. The evening ended with a chance to meet the presenters, Alex Lovell and David Garmston, and for President John to take his place in the news reader’s chair.