It was rather chilly standing at the start of the Wrekin Riders BMX track as the wind cut across to this high point in Dawley to watch a party of Carers have a go on the superb track in Duce Drive. It was however one of those satisfying moments in Rotary when you know that a difference is being made with grants from our Fairbourne fund.
Ashu, one of the young carer leaders commented that this was the first organised activity that had been arranged and of the 10 young carers attending for some this was their first contact since lockdown. It was evident how much they were enjoying being together. Lucy in charge of the intermediate carers participated in the riding and remarked what a great coach Keiran was (she only fell of once). After the riding the group were treated to a soft drink and a snack. Chelsey, recently back from success at the European BMX championships was on hand to demonstrate good riding practise and general support and motivation.
Keiran on behalf of Wrekin Riders thanked President Tom and members because the provision of the toilet has opened the track to school activities and he had five schools asking for sessions. This is an event which members may wish to add to our community programme.