Theatre Visit

Mike Heath, who organised our visit to the Theatre on the Steps on 15th November contributes his impressions

We bought tickets, made arrangements and shared directions. “Sweet and sour, sizzling beef, boiled or fried rice sir?” To eat or not to eat? That was the question.

Down the hill there was no visible sign, but it must be the venue. The dark steps beckoned.  In 1963 the pulpit was still in place and I was here knocking down walls.

What a change in production since we enjoyed “Allo  Allo”.  Only a few laughs, and the occasional titter awoke those who slumbered!! The actors performed well with a most difficult and convoluted dialogue. Unfortunately, for one who enjoys a really good laugh, it was all too much of the same and did drag rather.

I, and you, hopefully will look forward to a more humorous evening  next time. “Who’s Who?” did not do it for me.

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